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Thanet Passport Update - 16

Dear Colleagues

Welcome back. I hope you had a restful break. One more term of activities to go, which sadly will also be my final term as Chairman and Administrator of Thanet Passport!


Although the deadline for signing up has passed, I still have places available for the Year 1/2 Football Festival at Margate FC next Wednesday 12th June, 3.45-5.15pm. If you would like to enter a team then please return the attached form to me, garybcrees@gmail.com , no later than 6pm tomorrow (Wednesday 5th June).Parents are welcome at this event.


This inclusive event will take place at Garlinge Primary School on Tuesday 25th June, 9.30-11.15am. There are 5 players in a team and no previous experience is necessary. Indeed, you are asked to bring a mixed gender team of players who may not have represented the school before and who may have additional needs. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis by emailing Jade Bailey, baileyj@garlinge.kent.sch.uk , no earlier than 7.30am on Thursday 6th June 2024. The closing date for entries is midnight on Friday 14th June. Parents are NOT allowed to attend this event.


Also attached is an entry form for the Y3-6 Rounders Festival which will be held at Upton Junior School on Wednesday 3rd July 2024, 4-5.30pm. This is a fun event and teams can consist of  8 to 11 players from across the KS2 age range if you so wish. Schools can enter up to 2 teams and entries can be sent to me now, garybcrees@gmail.com , but certainly no later than Friday 21st June 2024. A copy of the rules is also attached and please note that parents will not be allowed to attend this event.


Attached is the entry form for the Y4-6 Passport Cup Girls Football Tournament, which will take place at Margate FC on Friday 5th July 2024, 1.30-4.30pm. I have been organising this event for the past 32 years and it would be great if this, my final girls football tournament, had a bumper entry of teams. As previously notified, please note that this date is a week later than on the original Passport calendar. There is no limit on the number of schools that can enter and schools may also enter up to 2 teams from Years 4-6. The attached entry form can be sent to me now, garybcrees@gmail.com , but certainly no later than Friday 21st June 2024. Parents are allowed to attend this event.


Information regarding nominations for trials for both our Main Squad and our Girls Squad will be sent to eligible schools very soon. Please note that ultimately anyone you nominate and who is selected must not only be exceptional at football, but also well behaved in school.


Finally, I have been asked by Thanet Gymnastics Club to pass on the attached flyer for their Summer Holiday Gymnastics Camp. Please share it with any budding gymnasts in your school whom you think might be interested.

Best Wishes

Gary Rees
Chairman & Administrator
Thanet Primary Association for School Sport

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